Maple Syrup, Nuts And Halva Cake

I gotta say that sometimes I hate all the dandyish that people do with their cakes. Too much hoo-ha and when you get to the taste test the cake is not that tasty.

when friends called us the other night wanted to come for coffee “in about an hour … we’re on our way” I was looking to make something sweet and fast.

I do not know why, but my recipe book is always the last in my quest for a good recipe and for some reason, I always go looking on the Internet first.

So I found a maple nut cake a bit dandyish in terms of ingredients and decided to go for it. It sure looked good!

What can I tell you? A disappointment!

The cake came out dry and the nuts fell off before they got to my mouth. I didn’t feel like serving a cake like this for my guests and since I had less than twenty minutes left I opened my notebook in an attempt to find another cake, something that can be done in no time.

I found this recipe which was lying there between the pages for many years until I forgot about it. I opened, mixed, flattened, baked a bit, and again a short baking and … what a cake! Simple and tasty!



The whole thing about the cake is timing, do not dry it and of course, don’t use the turbo plan, don’t pass the halva – really, it’s making a difference. And of course the nuts.

Heat oven to 180 calluses (no turbo)

Mold size 20/20 cm or any mold that will make a similar area

In the bowl:

350 g of all-purpose flour

2 tbsp. of baking powder

200 g of butter

2 tsp. of vanilla sugar

4 tsp. of sugar

2 eggs

1/4 cup orange juice or any other sweet liquid you have, you can also use milk, but then add some extra sugar

Mix all the dry ingredients, add all wet ones. When the mass is uniform flatten it in the mold and puncture with a toothpick quite a few holes. Bake for about 30 minutes until the cake turns slightly golden.






The topping:

200 g of halva hair (you can use the regular one too but the hairy one is better)

1.5 cups of nuts (I put pecans and walnuts – fifty-fifty)

170 ml real maple syrup (a bit more than half a bottle)

As soon as the cake comes out of the oven, arrange the halva and the nuts on top.

Pour the maple over and place it in the oven for another 10 minutes.





The cake is as amazing and tasty as it is, but you can always upgrade a serving with vanilla ice cream, because if we gonna eat sugar, then how harm would some more will do?

That’s it. Cold coffee, hot coffee, or just lemonade aside and you have a delicious afternoon cake.



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